Hi, I'm Clarie!

Developer | Student

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I'm a driven and enthusiastic student developer, with a passion for creating innovative solutions to help others and make a positive impact in my community. I am always looking to take on new challenges and grow as a developer. This website provides a glimpse into my journey as a student developer.

Let's connect and build something amazing together!


I'm a penultimate year student in the Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with the Bachelor of Finance at the University of Adelaide. I wrote my first line of code in university and it was incredibly foreign yet empowering to learn about all the things I could create with this skill.

I have experience in the following programming languages and technologies:

Languages: C++, Flutter, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Typescript, MATLAB, C

Technologies: Git, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Heroku, Cloud Computing (Azure), Algorithms and Data Structures
